Listen Up: Quick Consumer Stats for QSR
Jul 10, 2023There's plenty to love about quick-service restaurants (QSR). They're fast and easily accessible, and they hit the spot—kinda like digital audio. Whether it’s smoothies and satellite, sushi and streaming, or pizza and podcasts, consumers are satisfying their appetites breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Basically, these tastes pair together well, and we have the stats to prove it.
There Are Apps for That
With the proliferation of smartphones and smart speakers driving the digital audio boom (you know, 214M monthly listeners tuning in five hours a day), we know how important it is for consumers to have what they’re craving at their fingertips. And when hunger strikes as they’re listening on the go, they turn to apps to put their orders in.
Over six in 10 have used a fast food or third-party app to order food in the past year
Among those who use fast food apps, they have an average of just over three different fast food apps installed on their phones
Digital Audio Amplifies the Craving
There’s also the ability to elicit cravings in new and exciting ways. Whether your ad features the sounds of sizzling hamburgers on the grill, a refreshing glass of lemonade being poured, or the crack of an egg, audio has the ability to engage the senses and inspire engagement in ways that other ads simply can’t. Just ask our SXM Media listeners—for your convenience, we already did.
Half our listeners say they might get fast food cravings after hearing specific sounds like a sizzling grill
Over six in 10 listeners would be interested in trying a fast food product or restaurant after hearing an audio ad
The "Cherry on Top" You've Been Looking for
The bottom line is this: with consumers constantly on the run or trying to keep up with busy days, mealtime decisions are often made on the fly. In fact, three in four of our listeners say they decide what and where to eat in the moment. And that means advertisers need to be able to reach them whenever they go, at the drop of a hat. That’s where audio comes in. Whether it’s in the car on the way for a bite to eat or at home placing a quick curbside pickup, audio stays with the QSR consumer every step of the way. When you consider that 75% of the total US population over age 12 listens to digital audio each month, it’s a great way for QSRs to reach their target consumers.
Consider digital audio the fries beside the burger, the guacamole in the burrito, the sprinkles on the donut—the perfect complement that takes it to the next level. Let’s talk about your next campaign craving.