Advertise on Pandora, the largest ad-supported audience in audio

- #1
in ad-supported audio
- Largest
share of daily listening
- Leader
in 203 US markets

Why go with Pandora for brands?
Pandora listeners are true music fans, enjoying the perfect blend of the songs they know and love and new favorites waiting to be discovered—not stale, pre-made hypebeast playlists. Brands can ride the waves of this passion and seamlessly include their ads to the mix.
Here's your ad format options on Pandora

Audio ads that resonate
With immersive messaging, our listeners are the stars of your brand story, piquing interest and inspiring action across the funnel.

Display ads that engage
Display banners, web skins, rich media… whatever creative you've got, use it to engage listeners as they interact our our apps.

Video ads with pizzazz
Video is on the table, too. Run your video ad as listeners actively engage with our platforms (i.e. logging in or skipping a song) with 100% SOV and above-industry viewability.

Rewarded ads that stop the thumb
Offer free-listening rewards to Pandora listeners that take the time to interact with your ads. A surefire way to earn new fans.