Pass the Mic at Podcast Movement
Sep 19, 2022Movers, shakers, and content creators all converged at Podcast Movement 2022 in Dallas last month. And we invited some amazing female creators and industry professionals to two Pass the Mic panel events, Tapping Into the Wisdom Vanguard Podcasters and Elevating Diverse Female Voices in Podcasting.
We were lucky enough to grab a few of our panelists as they headed off stage to snag some words of wisdom and inspiring anecdotes. From creating authentic content to overcoming obstacles to finding your path, get ready to be mentored and motivated by some impressive talents.
These clips were recorded live at the Podcast Movement, so there is some background noise.
Make Content Just for Them
“Know your craft, plan, know your worth, be determined, and use the resources you have at your disposal. Whether you have one listener or 100,000 listeners, know that those listeners matter, and make your content just for them.” – Delia D’Ambra, Creator & Host, CounterClock and Park Predators, Audiochuck
Your Best Networking Tool is Being Yourself
“Your best networking tool is being yourself. Bring all of the warmth, joy, and passion that you have for the stories you want to tell into every conversation, no matter how brief or long. Anyone can be a collaborator; you never know where you’re going to find them.” – Jordan Cobb, Lead Writer & Director, No Such Thing Productions
Failure is Opportunity in Disguise
“One of the biggest things I’ve learned in my career so far is that failure is actually opportunity in disguise. I failed so many times in my life, but every time I’ve failed, I’ve actually come back stronger. And the biggest successes of my life have come on the heels of failure because I just create my own path instead of waiting for a gatekeeper to tell me yes and open a door for me.” – Hala Taha, Creator, Young and Profiting Podcast, YAP Media Network
Don’t Shy Away from Being Honest
“I was breaking bread with a previous boss, and he flat-out asked me how I’m doing and how I’m feeling. And I honestly said, “Stagnant and stuck.”… Five months later, I got another job. He wrote me a letter of recommendation, and I still call him to this day. So that defining moment for me was having people in your life that you can be honest with, having people in your life that can be supportive and help you get to the next place. Don’t shy away from being open and honest, especially when it’s with somebody that you trust.” – Justine Benjamin, Head of Marketing, AdsWizz
Want more inspiration? Check out more of our Pass the Mic content.