Tips & Tricks

Advertising In Crisis; Two Left Brains Don't Make a Right

May 29, 2020
Advertising In Crisis; Two Left Brains Don't Make a Right_Audio

Have you noticed commercials are starting to look the same? And chart-topping music seems to follow a similar recipe? Over the years, advertising has begun to ‘flatten’ and lose it’s sense of uniqueness and originality. 

Advertising is becoming less emotional, more focused on short-term sales activation, and according to our guest, more appealing to the left brain. Orlando Wood, CIO of System1 Group and author of industry-renowned book Lemon. How the advertising brain turned sour, explains how this golden age of technology has led us to an advertising crisis (and now, advertising in a crisis). 

This podcast covers everything from: 

  • How advertising has fallen flat

  • The loss of long-term brand building

  • Right brain vs. Left brain and how they are affecting creativity

  • Why advertising should celebrate life in spontaneity

  • Advertising in crisis meets advertising


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For more insights on the ever-changing environment and what that means for advertisers, visit our SoundCheck.

Executive Producer: Jocelyn Hudak Host: Steve Keller

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